PDPA Clarification Text

6698 numbered Clarification Text within the Scope of Personal Data Protection Law
As TEKNOMELT SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. (“Company”), we show maximum sensitivity to the security of the personal data of our employees, customers, business partners and all other real persons with whom we have business relations. With this awareness, as the Company, we attach great importance to the processing and preservation of all kinds of personal data belonging to all our employees bound by an employment contract, our business partners with whom we have a service or purchase contract, and our employees in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“PDPA”). We process your personal data as explained below, in accordance with the PDPA and within the limits prescribed by the legislation.
1. Collection, Processing and Processing Purposes of Personal Data
Your personal data may be collected by our Company verbally, in writing, digitally or electronically by automatic or non-automatic methods, in workplaces and related areas, depending on the contract between us. Your personal data may be processed by creating and updating as long as the contractual relationship or obligations that may arise from the contract continue.
Personal data relating to race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, and biometric and genetic data are personal data of special nature. For employees who have an employment contract with the Company, in accordance with the Labor Law No. 4857 and other legislation, your personal data of special nature related to health and criminal convictions and security measures are collected and processed within the limits of legal obligations in accordance with the employment contract between you and the Company.
In case you are given a cell phone, vehicle and computer allocated to you, your personal data may be processed for maintenance, repair and efficiency purposes.
Your collected personal data will be processed within the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in the KVKK for the purposes of fulfilling our contractual obligations, continuation of Company activities, regulation of work, fulfillment of employer responsibilities, ensuring occupational safety, management, supervision and performance of work, ensuring our responsibilities in relation to public institutions and organizations, and employee safety.
2. To whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred
The Company may disclose personal data to suppliers, business partners and business contacts, security units, public institutions, relevant ministries and directorates, public institutions and legal entities assigned in accordance with the labor law and social security laws, public institutions and legal entities authorized by law, public institutions and legal entities authorized by law, public institutions and legal entities assigned in accordance with the labor law and social security laws, public institutions and legal entities authorized by law, public institutions and legal entities authorized by law; suppliers, business partners and business contacts, law enforcement agencies, public institutions, relevant ministries and directorates, public institutions and legal entities assigned in accordance with the labor law and social security laws, public institutions authorized by law, within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in the PDPA.
3. Method and Legal Grounds for Collecting Personal Data
Your personal data, in all kinds of verbal, written, electronic or digital media, in accordance with the above-mentioned purposes, labor and social security laws and contractual rights and obligations, in particular, in accordance with the legislation, the Company’s employment contract, service, etc. It is obtained in order to fulfill its obligations arising from contracts and laws. Your personal data collected for this legal reason can also be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in this text within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in the PDPA.
4. Rights of the Personal Data Owner listed in Article 11 of the KVK Law
As personal data owners, if you submit your requests regarding your rights to our Company in writing, our Company will finalize your requests within 30 (thirty) days at the latest within the periods specified in the Law after verifying your identity, depending on the nature of the request.
In this context, personal data owners;
- To learn whether personal data is processed or not,
- Request information if their personal data has been processed,
- To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
- To know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,
- To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,
- Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the PDP Law and other relevant laws, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,
- To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
In the event that personal data is damaged due to unlawful processing of personal data, it has the right to demand the compensation of the damage.
Pursuant to PDPA, you are required to submit your request to exercise your rights mentioned above to our Company in writing. In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, you can send your request containing the necessary information identifying your identity and your explanations regarding the right you request to exercise among the rights specified in Article 11 of the PDPA to kvkk@teknomelt.com.tr.